Mail us for support
Office Address
mammut soft computing ag
Industriestrasse 19
CH – 5036 Oberentfelden——————————————-Industriestrasse 25
CH – 8604 Volketswil
Our motto: Electronic banking with competence and passion!
Opening hours: Monday – Friday 08.00 — 12.00 | 13.30 — 17.00
The fastest way from your ERP to the bank.
Secure data transfer thanks to zero footprint technology. No media discontinuity (according to IKS and SOX)
Please contact us, our consultants will be happy to give you further information.
Interested partners and bank employees also have the opportunity to obtain a demo link. So you can have a look at the program.
Connection to all banks in the world
AFFD (Automatic File Format Detection)
Secure Datatransfer
All prices quoted do not include VAT and do not include additional work for setup and configuration.